Программа работы с престарелыми или детьми в канадской семье на всей территории Канады — мультивиза Temporary Resident Visa на срок до трех лет с возможностью продления и получения через 2 года ПМЖ без выезда из страны. Национальная валюта — канадские доллары CAD.Рабочая программа в КанадеКанада является федерацией, состоящей из 10 провинций и 3 территорий. Входит в Британское содружество наций, глава государства — королева Великобритании, представленная генерал-губернатором. Канада — страна с высоким уровнем жизни и стабильной экономикой. Климат на большей части территории Канады умеренный, напоминающий российский в центральной части.
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To become a client of our Agency you need to conclude an Agreement with us – “An Employment Agreement” for work abroad.


For concluding of the Agreement you have to submit all the necessary on the first stage of employment documents:


  1. A copy of the first page of the foreign passport;

  2. A copy of the Ukrainian passport;

  3. A copy of the working record or other documents confirming that you have the experience of work according to your specialty;

  4. A copy of the diploma confirming your education;

  5. A filled in form of the agency (download the form);

  6. 4 photos 3,5 x 4,5 (70% of face).


If you live in another town or if you have no time to visit our office, you can send all the enumerated above documents with your information and telephones to our mailing address:


Pirogova Str. 6-A

Kiev 01030


We will contact you personally by phone!!!


After we sign an agreement between you and our company you become our client and the process of you employment abroad begins.


At present we have several long-term and short-term employment programmes, but the list of our vacancies is constantly updated and refilled. Some of them we place under the heading “Vacancies” on this site.


As the “employers” always need personnel today for today or in the best case for tomorrow, we always refill database in advance and at the moment of receiving the request, which may be interesting for you, we contact you immediately by phone and offer you the conditions of the contract. That is why if you want to go abroad with the help of our Agency you can register in our database beforehand. For it you can write a letter to us or send us your documents by mail or by fax.


наш офис

Центральный офис

Украина 01030 Киев,

ул. Пирогова,

д. 6-а, офис 6
тел.: (044) 362-06-22

тел.: (044) 220-21-05



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@ interplace INTERNATIONAL RECRUITING AGENCY  License № 146 695 of Ministry of Labor of Ukraine
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